10 to go...

I'm starting to feel like I'm more on "the countdown"! We are now 30 weeks...10 more to go! I had my 30 week appointment today and everything looked perfect. Thank you Lord! We are measuring right on. I got to hear that sweet sweet sound that I look forward to each doctor's appointment...Ella's heartbeat. Music to my ears! Today I scheduled our hospital tour visit...wow, this is feeling more and more real!

I had the most beautiful dream last night. For the first time, I dreamed about Ella and got to "see" her. Ahh....the most beautiful thing I had ever seen! It brings tears to my eyes thinking about the first time Josh and I will lay our eyes on our baby girl. But for now, we'll let her continue to grow and grow and mommy and daddy will finish getting everything ready!

"Every good and perfect gift is from above." James 1:17

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