{seven months}

Our baby girl turned seven months on Saturday! Ella is pretty excited, because she realized in just 5 months, she'll get to eat cake for the first time! Mommy on the other hand is a little sad, because she realized her baby is closer to being ONE years old than a newborn. Where oh where are these months going?

This past month was a big month for little miss! She cut two teeth {within a week apart AND had her 6 month shots that same week}. Poor baby, but she was a trooper. She learned to sit up by herself during month 5, but she now sits up and plays, reaches, grabs, and stuffs EVERYTHING into her mouth {all while sitting by herself}. We have an occasional tip over, but so far so good! She is so very close to crawling. She is in the perfect position, lifts her legs like she is about to move forward, but somehow manages to always go backwards {I know this is usually what to expect at first}. Ella is not a fan of green beans. The second they touch her lips, she closes them so tightly that you can't get the spoon to go in anymore. Let me tell you, she definitely knows what she wants and what she doesn't want. I've loved getting to see her little personality continue to blossom! I love her sweet spirit, her little laughs {she is the most ticklish thing you've ever seen}, and the way she looks up at you and gives you the biggest smile you've ever seen. Ahh....talk about melting a momma's heart! She has become more and more vocal! Let me just tell you, this little chica has discovered her voice! She loves to squeal, "sing", imitate different sounds {practicing her little conversation skills} and last but not least {her current favorite} blow raspberry’s {my speechie friends know the excitement I felt when I saw this for the first time}.

What a fun month we've had! Happy 7 months, sweet baby girl! 


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