{ella at 30 months}

Dear Ella,
Happy 2 1/2 years, my sweet girl {a week late}! You can just get use to this phrase, because it is so true..."where oh where does the time go?" In some ways it feels like yesterday I was having to feed you, change you and carry you around and on the other hand that feels like so long ago as you are the most independent little thing I've ever seen! You bring more joy to your daddy and I than we will ever be able to tell you! You make us laugh harder than we ever have and put a constant smile on our faces {okay, for the most part at least}! ;) This is what 2 1/2 years looks like for you, my dear!
Weight: 27.8 lbs (35%)  Height: 37.75 inches (56%)
Potty: You have been completely potty trained since you were 28 months. You are still just as proud to tell us when you've gone as you were the first time! Too cute! 
TV show - Mickey Mouse Clubhouse {still}, you enjoy watching Dora, Bubble Guppies, Barney and Yo Gabba Gabba as well!
Song - You LOVE to sing! Some of your favorites are ABCs, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Row Row Row Your Boat, and Jesus Loves Me.
Color - PINK and PURPLE (you tell us this about 20 times a day!!!!)
Food - Ice Cream, Pizza, Spaghetti, Mac & Cheese, Chocolate milk (a new one for you), Strawberries and Cheese!
Activities - The Zoo, playing with your cousins, dancing as soon as you hear music play, reading, playing babies, "cooking" in your kitchen, looking at pictures on mommy's phone, and being outside!
Having a mommy as a Speech Path means that I am constantly {just out of habit} analyzing speech and language. Girlfriend, your vocabulary and sentence structure blow me away! I often times have to remind myself you're just TWO! I love hearing your little voice {yes, even if they aren't always the nicest words} hint hint "NO, mommy, I not do that!"  To hear you say, "Mommy, I give you a big hug and a kiss" or "I love you mommy" are still just as sweet as the first time you said them!
My prayer for you:
Father, I thank you for Ella. The sweetest gift EVER! I pray you would keep her little heart just as tender as it is today and that she would continue to love others no matter their color, size, and differences. I pray that she would grow up to love you with all of her heart.

We love you to the moon and back, baby girl!


Emily said...

The sweetest!!! She is such a cutie!!! And I am lucky to know you girls!!! And I agree her language skills are amazing!!! ;)

Chrissy@SimpleJoysBlog said...

She is too cute for words! How on earth did she potty train at 16 months? That is impressive!

Lyndsey said...

She is too cute and I love the last picture with matching shirts and boots! :)